What's new in Classroomscreen: January 2024

5 min

It's a brand new year and we have lots of updates to share. Classroomscreen has added a bunch of things, from a new widget to a sticker collection, so you can start 2024 off right. Are you ready to get started? Let's dive in!


NEW: Scoreboard widget

This innovative widget, tucked behind the 'more' button, is designed to serve as your teammate in seamlessly tracking scores within your classroom. We've designed three different formats for you to choose from - 'Home and Away' for all the sports fans, 'Points' for a classic scoring experience and, 'Race' which displays icons racing towards the finish line.

We've also added a team name suggestions so you've got a list of options available at just the click of a button. From Mario characters to funny fruit puns, this handy addition will not only save you time but engage your students time and time again.

The development journey of this feature has been a long one, so we are super excited to see how you will use it in your classroom! As always, your suggestions are invaluable to us so if you have any ideas for improvements, please let us know either through our contact form or by saying hi on social media!

Want to give it a go for yourself? Try it out today in our handy tutorial!

Sticker Sheets are here!

These have been around for a couple of months now, but if you haven't tried them yet, what are you waiting for? Stickers are an essential for every teacher, so we have added 5 different sheets so far for you to try.  Accessible through the 'More widgets' button, simply drag the sticker you wish to use onto your screen.

All our stickers are designed in-house and are completely unique to Classroomscreen (thanks Heleanne for your fabulous designs!) so we hope you enjoy adding them to your screens. Thanks also to our community on social media, who helped us out with some amazing suggestions.

We will be adding more sticker sheets in the next few months (Valentine's Day, anyone?) so make sure to sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date.

Grouping widgets

Grouping widgets together isn't the most glamorous addition, but it meant a lot to us. It is now much easier to change your entire theme, move widgets around and keep everything organized. These day-to-day tweaks are often suggested by our users, as you are the ones using the tool in your classrooms everyday. Not sure how this feature works? Head to our help center to find out more!

Our Background widget makeover

Backgrounds are an essential part of Classroomscreen, and one of the first widgets to be added to the application all the way back in 2017. In order to greatly expand the options available, we have completely redone how the widget works and added a bunch of new settings. Along with this update, we've also added lots of new backgrounds for you to enjoy this year.


Every little bit counts

  • Revamped Dice Widget: We've added a bunch of new options to our Dice widget which include 'heads or tails', alphabetical 'A-Z' letter selection, and customizable sides. To find out more, read our helpful guide on our Dice widget here.
  • Timetable Icons: Our illustrator Heleanne has been doodling away and added new icons to our Timetable widget.
  • Screen Options: A few users noticed that, when changing devices, their widgets were moving.  Thanks to the hard work of our computer wizards Sebastiaan and Hayk, this is now fixed and there are settings in place to change your aspect ratios to ensure your screen is looking better than ever!
  • Improved iPad Behavior: Good news for those who use an iPad to access Classroomscreen, we have optimized the app so that it will function much smoother on your device.
  • For any widget that has a name list input field, we have added a suggestion box which automatically generates options for you to use if you are in a hurry!
  • Bugfixes: Of course, we have been on bug patrol to ensure the platform is working as it should.


New year, new projects...

After this update, we will be focusing on improving the website and building a whole new template library of ready-to-use content. We also have something very exciting in the works that we hope to add in the summer, so make sure to follow us on your chosen social media sites to be the first to know!

Do you have something to add to our to-do list? Send us a message on social media or contact us through our website.

Experience the improvements yourself and start a new screen today!

Looking to save your work? Then sign up for a free 14-day Pro trial.

Have a great year!

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